Topic outline

  • Final evaluation session tasks

    N.B. The final evaluation session assignments and tasks open after the last lecture and close on Tue 18.4.2022 at 23:55.

    There are three tasks to complete:

    1. Peer-review of the last learning diary (AVotW Learning Diary 4)
    2. Assignment: "Your astronomical view of the world" - essay (below)
    3. Fill the "Course feedback questionnaire" (link below)

    Also, the last learning diary will move from "submission phase" to "evaluation phase" at 14:15 on Friday 14.4., so you can do the peer-assessment during the afternoon to have everything finished by the end of that day.

    You can also use this time to check you have returned all assignments (except for compensating assignment for ES1 if you were present), and complete all possibly missing coursework during that day. 

    After this, please remember to read the feedback given to your LD4 (available after the deadline 25.4.), and then you're done!

    Missing assignments

    If you cannot submit your work via MyCourses, send email with details to .

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Your astronomical view of the world Assignment
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      URL icon
      Course feedback questionnaire URL