Topic outline

  • Date: 28.2.2023, 14:15 - 16:00
    Location: TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8, Otaniemi
    Teacher: Joni Tammi

    Learning outcomes of the week

    After this week, you should be able to:

    • Recognise central paradigm shifts in the scientific and astronomical worldviews in the 19-20th centuries.
    • Describe the main physical processes working in stars.
    • Outline the life cycle of stars and explain the role of supernovae in the development of life in the Universe.
    • Recognise the concepts of redshift and doppler shift in the cosmological context, and explain how they relate to expansion of the Universe.
    • Individual work before the lecture

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    • Lecture slides

      Slides will be uploaded here after the lecture.

    • Individual work after the lecture

      (There's half the usual homework this week, because there's also the peer assessment of LD2 to be done. Remember to do that, by returning to the "AVotW Learning Diary 2" task on the "Learning Diaries" section.)

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Quiz icon
      Different kinds of stars [3p] Quiz