
  • Date: 28.2.2023, 14:15 - 16:00
    Location: TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8, Otaniemi
    Teacher: Joni Tammi

    Learning outcomes of the week

    After this week, you should be able to:

    • Recognise central paradigm shifts in the scientific and astronomical worldviews in the 19-20th centuries.
    • Describe the main physical processes working in stars.
    • Outline the life cycle of stars and explain the role of supernovae in the development of life in the Universe.
    • Recognise the concepts of redshift and doppler shift in the cosmological context, and explain how they relate to expansion of the Universe.
    • Kunskapstest icon
      Different kinds of stars [3p] Kunskapstest
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