Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the Basic Principles in Networking course! 

    The first lecture will be held on January 10, 2023, 12.15-14.00, at AS3 Saab Space - 1021-1022, Maarintie 8.

    We will have two contact sessions per week (Mon, Tue). Contact sessions can be lectures or exercise sessions, depending on the schedule of the course. 

    Mid-term exam will be held in TU2 from 13 to 15 on 20.2.2023 at TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017, Maarintie 8. This year, we provide an option to replace the mid-term exam with two extra assignments. The replacement assignments are supposed to be completed before the exam week. 

    Communication channels:

    The primary channel for questions regarding assignments and lectures is the Teams channel, which can be joined here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a87fd987e38f84be8b1c97ce86a579f8b%40thread.tacv2/Assignments?groupId=04e8ed7e-e642-477c-a964-1c0786568772&tenantId=ae1a7724-4041-4462-a6dc-538cb199707e

    We request you ask the majority of your questions on the public channel, so that if other students are struggling with the same problem, they also get the answer. If your question would reveal a part of the solution to an assignment, you can ask it privately as well.

    If you have a personal question related to course passing for example, you can contact the course staff over email.

    Learning Outcomes:

    At the end of this course, you will be able to

    • Describe the basic principles of TCP/IP model and the representative protocols at each layer
    • Use network diagnostic tools to analyze the working mechanisms and performance of networking services
    • Implement basic communications services using socket programming
    • Understand basic principles of network security: public/private key encryption, signatures, hashing, Message authentication, Email Security (PGP), securing of TCP (SSL), IPSec and VPN.


    - Teachers highly recommend students to learn basics in Linux before taking this course. One option is to take ELEC-A7310 Linux Basics

    -  Basic programming skills are needed. Students are expected to have taken at least one programming course, e.g. CS-A1113 Basics in Programming Y1. 

    In case you need individual study arrangements, please contact the course teacher as early as possible. You can find more information about how to apply for individual study arrangements from https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/individual-study-arrangements. 

    Responsible Teachers:

    •Yu Xiao              yu.xiao(at)aalto.fi
    •Stephan Sigg   stephan.sigg(at)aalto.fi

    Course Assistants:
    • Esa Vikberg             esa.vikberg(at)aalto.fi 
    • Ibragimov Dovlat    dovlat.ibragimov(at)aalto.fi