
  • Allmänt

    ELEC-C7310 Sovellusohjelmointi

    This course provides skills to program applications on GNU/Linux operating system. The three main topics are Inter-Process Communication, Input/Output Multiplexing and basics of Threaded programming.

    Basic knowledge of C language is required, basic understanding of structure of computers is useful. Assignments are checked on Debian or Ubuntu operating system. Participants should have access to one, preferably on your own computer (native installation or in a virtual machine).

    The course ELEC-C7310 is only lectured in Finnish because of its status in the bachelor program. You may complete the course as a self-study course. All the material is in English.

    Risto Järvinen (aka Riba, the lecturer)

    PS. This course does not cover mobile application programming, despite the course name.