
  • Yleistä/General information

    Kurssi alkaa johdantoluennolla ma 9.1.2023, klo 10:15-12, salissa TU2, Maarintie 8. Tämä kurssi käyttää samaa MyCourses-sivustoa (ja luentoja, harjoitukset, projektityö, jne) kuin laajempi, 8 op:n kurssi ELEC-A4010, seuraa siis tuota sivustoa:

    Lisään opiskelijoita kyseisen kurssin MyCourses-sivun käyttäjäksi, kun kahdelle kurssille ilmoittautuminen ei ole mahdollista. Voit vielä kurssin aikana itse päättää, suoritatko lopuksi 8 op:n tai 5 op:n version.

    In English: The first lecture of this course is on Monday, Jan. 9th, 2023, at 10:15 a.m. in hall TU2 (Maarintie 8 premises). All relevant information will be available on the MyCourses page of ELEC-A4010 (the 8 cr. version of this course). Please follow that MC space! I will manually add you as local users to the ELEC-A4010 MyCourses pages.
    No Finnish language or prior electronics/programming skills are required to pass this course, all needed information and knowledge will be acquired during the course work! Also for students of any other school at Aalto: this course might be a good choice for you - the project work can be tailored according to your background. The main points of the course work are: A Personal Learning Diary and Project Work in groups of 3-4 students, with proper documentation. Visiting our Sähköpaja workshop in Maarintie 8 frequently is preferable. In fact, you will carry out this course for yourself - be active and build something memorable! You can decide during the course whether you pass the course with 8 cr (as in ELEC-A4010, recommended), or with 5 cr (as in this ELEC-A4910). The main difference between A4010 (8 cr) and A4910 (5 cr) is the number of credits; the 8 cr version is thus a good choice; students aiming at 8 cr. and 5 cr. can take part in the same group (the project work is done in groups).
    Feel free to contact Clemens.Icheln@aalto.fi for further details.