MNGT-C4001 - Management Communication, Lecture, 11.1.2023-15.2.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 15.02.2023 Etsi kursseja: MNGT-C4001
Osion kuvaus
The course is built around one main group project that includes several deliverables, and some individual tasks.
Week 2
A1: Proposal of the group project. Group assignment.
Week 3
B1: Bad-news message. Individual assignment.
Week 4
A2: Draft executive summary and presentation plan. Group.
Week 5
A3: Peer feedback on executive summaries. Group.
Week 6
A4: Project presentation and executive summary. Group.
(0-5), 50 %
(Week 7)
B2. Reflection paper. Individual.
(0-5), 50 %
Deadlines: To pass the course all assignments must be completed by the given deadlines. The due date for each assignment is clearly stated on the respective submission box. Please upload the final versions of each of your assigments (pdf) by the given deadlines.Grading criteria: Assignments are assessed using preformulated rubrics on a scale of 0-5.
EBC grading criteria: 4.5 and above is a 5; 3.5-4.49 range is a 4; 2,5-3,49 range is a 3.
Please take a look at these grading criteria (in submission boxes) before you start work on the given assignment, and also before you submit your assignment.Team assignments: Only one group member needs to submit your team's assignment.Re-do or extra assignments not possible: Students are not able to re-do assignments, or do extra assignments to improve grades or make up for absences.Class contribution: During this course, we only have two sessions together, in the beginning and in the end of the course (11.1.2023 and 15.2.2025). Attendance to both of these sessions is mandatory, as you'll need to work with your assigned group in both of these sessions. If you know already that you'll not be able to attend one of the sessions, please inform Aleksi as soon as possible.Assignments at a glance
A1: Proposal for the group project (pass/fail): Deadline 18.1.2023
With your group, answer the questions found in the 'Week 2' folder, to let the teacher know how you plan on approaching the group projectB1: Bad news message email (pass/fail): Deadline 1.2.2023
Individually, you are required to write a bad news message aimed at an internal audience using inputs 2 & 3 (found in 'Readings') to guide you.A2 and A3 (pass/fail): Draft of the executive summary and peer feedback. A2 deadline: 3.2.; A3 deadline: 10.2.With your group, post your draft of the executive summary regarding your final project on the discussion forum in the folder ' Week 4', and give feedback to one other group on 'Week 5' on their draft using the Analysis of Argument Measure feedback model. Aleksi will assign the feedback pairings.A4: Communication project: presentation and executive summary (50% of the course grade). Deadlines: Executive summary and presentation on 15.2.2023.The assignment submission box and detailed instructions in the 'Week 6' folder!
This team assignment requires you to act as consultants and analyze an authentic organizational communication situation (problem / challenge / crisis / change). In your analysis, you are expected to take a strategic approach towards communication and draw on relevant communication models dealt with during the first session of the course (or in the course materials). You also need to make recommendations based on your analysis. Your audience for both the executive summary and the team presentation are the other students of the course, who 'represent' the top management of the organization / company in question.
B2: Reflection paper on the course (50% of the course grade). Deadline 22.2.2023
In this individual assignment, you are asked to reflect on your learnings during the course and especially the group assignment. More specific questions and specifications for the text can be found on the 'Week 6' folder.