ELEC-C8201 - Control and automation, Lecture, 10.1.2023-18.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 18.04.2023 Search Courses: ELEC-C8201
Topic outline
Lecture slides and the Quiz related to the lecture.
- Introduction to the course (Lec1a).
- Dynamic systems and models, the Laplace transformation (Lec1b).
Opens on Tuesday 10th of January at 10:15. Closes on Thursday 12th of January at 10:15. Note: from next week on the Quizzes open 24 hours before the lecture starts and close 15 minutes before the lecture starts.
- Topics of lecture 1 still continue (Lec1b): Laplace transformation and transfer function,
- Block diagram algebra
- Lec2: State-space representation
- Modelling of dynamic processes
- Impulse and step responses
- Examples
Opens on Monday 16.1 at 10:15. Closes on Tuesday 17.1 at 10:00.
- Repetition: State-space representation and transfer functions, simulation
- Oscillations, stability, poles and zeros
- Linearization of nonlinear systems (recording only)
Opens on Monday 23.1 at 10:15. Closes on Tuesday 24.1 at 10:00.
- Poles and zeros
- Stability
- Oscillations, Dominant poles
- Block diagram algebra
- PID controller
- Routh-Hurwitz stability test
Opens on Monday 30.1 at 10:15. Closes on Tuesday 31.1 at 10:00.
- Repetition: dynamics of systems, stability, oscillations, and the Routh-Hurwitz method
- Chapter 5: The Root Locus method
Opens on Monday, 6.2 at 10:15. Closes on Tuesday, 7.2 at 10:00.
- Frequency response
- Bode plot diagrams
- Investigating stability by the Bode plot
Opens 13.2 at 10:15. Closes on Tuesday 14.2 at 10:00.
- The Nyquist stability plot
- The Nyquist stability criterion
- Stability margins
Opens on Monday 27.2 at 10:15. Closes on Tuesday 28.2 at 10:00.
- Design of State Variable Feedback Systems:
- Controllability and Observability
- State feedback controller design
- State observer design
- Combining state observer and controller
-Opens 6.3 at 10:15. Closes 7.3 at 10:00.