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      Syllabus_PM 2023 Fil PDF
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      Marking rubric Fil PDF
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      Session 1_Introduction to the course & people management Fil PDF
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      Session 2_Strategic Human Resource Management Fil PDF
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      Session 3_Workforce planning, recruitment & selection Fil PDF
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      Session 4_Employee development, talent management & HRM in SMEs Fil PDF
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      Session 5_Performance management Fil PDF
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      Session 6_Reward management Fil PDF
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      Session 7_Diversity and inclusion Fil PDF
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      Session 8_Employee voice, engagement & retention Fil PDF
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      Session 9_International Human Resource Management Fil PDF
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      Session 10_Peer evaluation & tips for the exam Fil PDF
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      Guest lecture by Sari Ek-Petroff Fil PDF
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      Model answers from the last year Fil DOCX