MNGT-C1009 - People Management, Lecture, 10.1.2023-23.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 23.02.2023 Search Courses: MNGT-C1009
Topic outline
There are three individual assignments and two group assignments.
Individual assignments
1. Pre-class assignment 5% (5 points)
2. Learning diary 8% (8 points = 2 points x 4 diaries)(1) Three general learning diaries
3. Article Watch 12% (3 points x 4)
(2) One guest lecture learning diaryGroup assignments
1. Group case study 1 15% (15 points)
2. Group case study 2 20% (20 points)
Instructions on missed/late submissions of individual/group assignments.
- Late submission is possible but with a penalty. For each 24 hours past the submission time, two points will be deducted until it gets to zero. A missed assignment will be given zero points.
- If you have a legitimate reason for late submission (e.g., medical reasons), you can get an extension of the deadline without a penalty as long as you provide a valid document as proof (e.g., medical certificate). If you do not provide any proof or if the document is not valid, the extension will not be given. Also, please note that the request for the extension should be made before the official deadline - a retrospective request will not be considered.-
Pre-class assignment Turnitin Assignment 2
Article Watch Turnitin Assignment 2
Learning diary Turnitin Assignment 2
Group case study 1 Assignment
Group case study 2 Assignment
Peer evaluation Assignment