Osion kuvaus

  • Instructions:

    Please answer four of the six questions (4/6) below based on the material we have been working with during the course (including readings, lectures, workshops and videos). Each question is worth up to five points and will be graded in terms of accuracy as well as how you combine and make connections across different materials.  

    When possible, please indicate the information source by referencing the course material in academic style. The reading list for the course can be used to assist your answering (pdf:s found from the MyCourses page), including your own notes. 

    Please note that you are not allowed to communicate with your student colleagues during the exam by any means. Additionally, you should not use any AI or communication devices during the exam. 

    Please note that your submission is checked with Turnitin plagiarism software, but you should not be concerned if your percentage is less than 50%, preferably under 30%.


    All mandatory academic readings as a zip file:

    Other materials (videos, course slides etc.) you can find in the module segments in MyCourses.


    1. What are key factors that influence the choice of organizational design? Please provide practical examples. 

    1. What conditions allow for self-managing organizations to succeed? When is this design not recommended? 

    1. What kind of tasks should robots or technology do in an organization? Why? 

    1. Let us presume that there is an alternative option to the hierarchical world we live in. What would be the benefits and pitfalls of such alternative? 

    1. How can an incomplete organizational design be a justified choice for companies? Why? 

    1. Imagine and describe future of organizations. Illustrate with examples how working life would benefit from that development.