21E10000 - How to change the world: Innovating toward sustainability, Lecture, 28.2.2023-13.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 13.04.2023 Search Courses: 21E10000
Topic outline
1. Introduction & crowdsourcing wicked sustainability problems (28 February) Folder
2. Human wellbeing & ecological carrying capacity (2 March) Folder
3. Business model innovation for sustainability (7 March) Folder
4. Innovating inclusive & frugal business for poverty alleviation (9 March) Folder
5. Creating change through entrepreneuship & Fairphone case (14 March) Folder
6. Creating change through intrapreneurship (16 March) Folder
7. Entrepreneurship panel (21 March) Folder
8. Co-creating change in complex global systems (23 March) Folder
Freightened documentary URL
Fairphone case URL
Sustainability screening frameworks Folder