51E00100 - Business Ethics, Lecture, 27.2.2023-17.4.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 17.04.2023 Etsi kursseja: 51E00100
Osion kuvaus
During spring 2022 teaching period IV, course sessions will be held online on Mondays and Thursdays at 16:15-19:00 (triple lectures).
Check out the specifics of the dates and topics in tab Detailed schedule with lecture titles and lecturers.
The logic of Matti Häyry’s lectures will be as follows:
Here is the join Zoom link for Matti's sessions:
Join the session starting at 16:00 and be there at 16:10 the latest, please, so that I can verify your attendance.
I will deliver a lecture on the day’s topic. The total length will be between 80-90 minutes.
Halfway through the lecture, there will be a 10-minute break, during which you can start thinking about the question concerning the lecture’s content that you want to make.
Do not send your question to me yet (see below).
After the break, I will finish the lecture and give the instructions for your personal homework assignment.
Complete the assignment as soon as possible. Start working on it during the rest of the three-hour session time. The completion should be easy after that.
Once you have completed the assignment, send me – matti(dot)hayry(at)aalto(dot)fi
(i) your question about the lecture content and
(ii) your personal homework assignment report.
If you need some more time, no worries, but try to deliver your question and report to me during the next 24 hours.
This way, we can keep the rhythm of the course.
The other lecturers will make the arrangements for their sessions known in due course.