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      Please read the three different perspectives on strategy. Which ideas and arguments from these three articles resonate with you and which do not?

      Your reflection paper should consist of 700-900 words. Use academic citation style and paper formatting style https://apastyle.apa.org/

      You may organize your paper in a way that you feel works best. For example, organizing it around the three perspecticves, or organizing it around the ideas and arguments that you'd want to discuss. Other ways of orgnizing hte paper are fine too, as long as your paper answers the overall question "Which ideas and arguments from these three articles resonate with you and which do not?"

      The papers are:

      Lovas , B. & Ghoshal, S. 2000. Strategy as guided evolution. Strategic Management Journal 21:9, 875-896. https://doi.org/10.1002/1097-0266(200009)21:9<875::AID-SMJ126>3.0.CO;2-P

      Rumelt, R. 2022. Getting strategy wrong—and how to do it right instead. McKinsey Quarterly. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2658973037?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true

      George, G. , Haas, M. & McGahan A. 2021. Purpose in the For-Profit Firm: A Review and Framework for Management Research. Journal of Management.