MNGT-E1002 - Market-based Development in the Global South, Lecture, 6.9.2022-13.10.2022
This course space end date is set to 13.10.2022 Search Courses: MNGT-E1002
Topic outline
Welcome to Market-Based Development in the Global South!
I'm excited to have you in this course; The "Global South" is where the overwhelming number of people live in the world, and yet we tend to not talk about it very much in the business school. More than that, in business schools, we tend not to discuss 'development' or poverty alleviation very much, despite the obvious potential for markets and business to contribute to development. Hence, I developed this course, and I'm very excited you'll be taking part.
My overarching goal, as with any course I teach, is to make this a good learning experience for you.
A few important links:
- You are expected to attend 9/12 of our sessions. In return for having an attendance requirement, my promise is to make class actually worthwhile.
- Details about how you will be assessed, and of the key course dates can be found here:
Course Assessment and key dates. I will add more details about the final project in the first week of the course.
- The full course syllabus can be found here:
Detailed syllabus