Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    The aim of the course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the main mathematical concepts and
    tools used in Economics. We will study:
    - linear algebra: we will focus on how to solve systems of linear equations;
    - calculus of several variables: we will analyze functions of several variables and learn how to apply differential calculus to them; optimization: we will learn how to find the points in the domain of a function that maximize or minimize the function’s value, with or without constraints;
    - dynamical systems: we will focus on how to solve difference and
    - differential equations.


    First period

    - Lectures 1-4: Linear Algebra: Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, linear independence (Chapters 6-11)
    - Lectures 5-8: Calculus of Several Variables: Functions of several variables, differential calculus, implicit functions (Chapters 12-15)
    - Lectures 9-11: Convexity and Unconstrained Optimization: Convex, concave and quasiconcave functions, quadratic forms, unconstrained
    optimization (Chapters 16-17, 21)
    - Lecture 12: Review

    Second period

    - Lectures 13-15: Constrained Optimization (Chapters 18-19)
    - Lectures 16-17: Difference equations (Chapters 23)
    - Lecture 18-21: Ordinary differential equations (Chapters 24-25)
    - Lecture 22: Review


    Carl P. Simon and Lawrence Blume, Mathematics for Economists, Norton, 1994


    80 % exam/partial exams

    20 % problem sets


    midterm + final exam or an exam that covers entire material

    midterm: results, comments on grading

    final exam: results, comments on grading

    results of February 2023 exam

    results of March 2023 exam

    1st midterm 21st October, final exam 15th December

    Some notes: to pass the course you need to get 40 % of the total points available from midterms/exam+ exercises