
  • Course assignments:

    1. Time management task
    • Lecture and instructions 24.10
    • Assignment DL 11.12.2022 > return box in MyCourses

    2. Making a study plan in SISU
    • Lecture and instructions, February 2023
    • DL end of february 2023

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU COMPLETE TASK 1.  Instructions are included in the task.

      However, if you feel your time management skills are absolutely perfect and there is no need to observe or improve them, then you can complete task 2 instead. 

      Deadlines for both tasks are 11.12.2022. Return your task (only task 1 or task 2) to this return box.
      Please name your task as follows e.g TASK1_your name or TASK2_your name.