ARTX-C1011 - Process Management for Media and Design, Lecture, 25.10.2022-8.12.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 08.12.2022 Etsi kursseja: ARTX-C1011
Osion kuvaus
This page contains a list of the teams and their clients. We will also include here links to the clients' materials and links that can be used in the team assignment.
Team / Client role 1: We are One / Lego
Team / Client role 2: Hahnmann & Lagerpark & Partners / Remarkable
Team / Client role 3: Three . / Design Forum Finland
Team / Client role 4: emo princess inc / Slush
Team / Client role 5: Sammakko / Kalevalan naisten liitto
Team / Client role 6: Alloi / Aalto Shop
The Lego Group
Design Forum Finland
Kalevala Women’s Association
Aalto University Shop