
  • You must get 'Passed' or 'Passed with Distinction' from all following assignments:

    1. SWOT Analysis
    2. Reflection on the Lecture (Career Design Lab)
    3. Slides for the Professional Role Model and a Project to Revise
    4. Design Thinking Exercise
    5. Reflection on the Site Visit(s)
    6. Slides for the Production Plan (Final Event)
    7. Learning Diary from the Track Work

    Your course grade is mainly based on: 

    • Internal Final Presentation: Grade of a student is proposed by responsible teachers

      Evaluation Criteria (Scale 0-5)

      • Clarity (how clear your argument is, how clearly your role / identity is defined)

      • Coherence (how the relationship between your identity and supportive projects stays coherent)

      • Relevance (how your identity as a designer is related to a specific domain / group of audiences)

      • Reflection (how you connect back to your learning experiences from this study programme)

      • Presentation (how your visual identity and other performative elements are aligned to your narrative and presentation contents)

      • Progress (how your work has improved based on the feedback given at previous presentations or/and track work)

    Your attendance matters: 

    • 80% of your attendance for contact teaching sessions is required to pass the course.

    • Fair Event: Participation of the Final Event and its preparation / taking down are marked importantly.