
  • Allmänt

    Art, Life, Entrepreneurship 2


     Do you have a business idea, or have you just started your own company? 

    Do you wish to build a sustainable livelihood around your craft?

    Would any of these be something you would like to do after graduation:


    To Contribute to a better future?

    To Find a creative team to work with?

    To Gain financial security?

    To Help others?

    To Have more control over your life?

    To Use your creativity?

    To Challenge yourself?

    To Build, make and experiment?

     This course is intended for anyone who is planning to or has just started a business in a creative field. The course will help you to validate your business idea and take your first steps towards running your own business.

    This course is practical, immersive and requires lots of legworkbetween classes, after all the course is about your own future!

    Weekly exercises are designed to create interaction between you and the society around you.

    Sessions consists off guest speakers, peer discussions and groupand individual exercises.Guests are professionals from the creative field and industry.

    Course assignment: By using testing and interviews, crystallize your offering and find your first early adopters.

    If you do not have a business in mind yet, then we recommend the Art, Life and Entrepreneurship I course instead, it will run again next fall

    MIRO board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMRqV774=/

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us, we are here to help :)

    Johannes Kaira (professor): johannes.kaira@aalto.fi
    Håkan Mitts (professor): hakan.mitts@aalto.fi
    Júlia Vila (teaching assistant): julia.vilacomas@aalto.fi