Osion kuvaus

  • Main page

    Welcome to the Studio A course!

    Teaching of this course consists of contact teaching (48h) + independent assignment (33h). The tasks and materials can be accessed via your groups MyCourses-page. Rating of this course is: pass-fail.

    Teaching is organized in adjacent classrooms A304-307 & A308-309 in the A-wing of Otakaari 1, 3rd floor (note: it's a good idea to download the Aalto Space app if navigating on campus is tricky).

    The lesson always starts at 9:15 and please show up in time : )

    The teachers in your group are responsible for the practical implementation of the course. If you have any questions related to teaching, or if you report an absence, please contact them directly via email.

    • Tiedosto icon
      INTRO Tiedosto PDF
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään GROUP 1 Laura Wesamaa, Kristiina Sedlerova
      Tehtävä icon
      GROUP 1 Independent assignment Tehtävä
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään GROUP 2 Jukka Lehtinen, Sakari Tervo
      Tehtävä icon
      GROUP 2 Independent assignment Tehtävä