Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Dear all,

    welcome to Making Transdisciplinary work: An introduction to ViCCA

    In this intense 4 day course, students will be introduced to some core aspects of the focus of the ViCCA major. The course will also discuss the nature of relevant working methods such as critique, readings, artistic practice and artistic research and provide an overview of the transdisciplinarity central to many practices in the intersecting fields of Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art.

    Making Transdisciplinary Work: An Introduction to ViCCA schedule

     Please note: time and meeting place may vary from what is on your SiSU.


    Monday 5th of September:

    Session led by Pia Euro.

     Wednesday 7th of September:

     10:15-12:15 Väre R107

    Session led by Lucy Davis:

    I do apologise that I was unable to be there to greet you all last week. I look very much forward to seeing you on Wednesday morning. I hope during the morning to combine:

    A getting to know you conversation;

    An introduction to my own transdisciplinary teaching interests and research practices;

    As well as a collective exploration of what it might mean to work in a transdisciplinary manner at ViCCA and in the new Department of Art & Media.

    Bring along a note or sketch book.

    In the meantime, if you want to check me out, here is my website www.migrantecologies.org

    Looking forward! Lucy

    PS: For my study guidance HOPS/PSP group, Alexandra (yaaay you made it!!!), Leroy, Friedrich, Blanca and Chun Heng, we can arrange a short time to chat about your course choices when we meet on Wednesday


    13:00-15:00 Väre R107

    Session led by Bassam El Baroni

    13:00 – 14:00: I will talk about ‘artistic economies’. These are historic and present-day examples from artistic practice that provide models of action informed by artistic thinking, its speculative capacities, critical sensibilities, and its traditions on the one hand, and an exploration of fields and sectors such as economics, finance, and others, informing policies and planning on the other. This brief talk draws on art practices, curatorial theory, sociology, economic theory and philosophy to think through the question of art’s social efficacy and impact. It addresses the role curating may play in advancing critical yet pragmatic forms of constructive intervention in which artistic practices can find their voice and agency within current economic conditions of possibility. 

    14:10 – 15:00: Thought experiment time! How can we toy with philosophical concepts to expand and stretch our methodologies as artists and curators. To this end I will briefly introduce a concept by philosopher Quentin Meillassoux called ‘Extro-Science Fiction’. This is basically the idea of a fiction in which science is rendered impossible. I will give clear examples of ‘Extro-Science Fiction’ from TV and Film to make the difference between it and Science-Fiction apparent. The last half hour of the day will be dedicated to a quick collective exercise that attempts to bridge this idea with the institutional settings of curating.

    Thursday 8th of September 

    9:30-15:00 (Hakaniemi Market Square)

    Session led by Laura Beloff and Patrizia Costantin

    Meet at Hakaniemi Market Square at 9:30.

    We take a bus to Paloheinä (Bussi 66. At 09:41) and walk from there towards the center.

    If you live on the way and want to hop on the bus at another stop: 09:43 Haapaniemi 09:45 Sörnäinen (M) 09:47 Vallilan kirjasto 09:49 Hattulantie 09:50 Mäkelänrinne 09:51 Pyöräilystadion 09:54 Koskelantie 09:55 Käpylänaukio 09:57 Käpylän asema 09:59 Tuusulanväylä 10:01 Maunula 10:03 Pirjontie 10:04 Alkutie 10:05 Lepolantie 10:06 Pakilan yläaste 10:06 Elontie 10:08 Paloheinäntie 10:09 Repovuori 10:09 Kivimäki

    We will experiment with a transdisciplinary exercise which involves thinking about networks, mycelia and making kin with your surroundings. We will hopefully also pick some mushrooms along the way (so bring a bag or basket if you have one!)

    Dress according to the weather. Bring warm clothes, comfy waterproof shoes and a rain coat if possible. Take a pack lunch and water with you. Bring the notebook/sketch book you were given on Monday. Bring a pen/pencil.

    In preparation to the session, we suggest (not required but may be useful) you read and listen to:

    -        The Carrier Bag of Theory Fiction by Ursula Le Guin https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ursula-k-le-guin-the-carrier-bag-theory-of-fiction.pdf

    -        A talk by anthropologist Anna Tsing ‘What we can learn from a mushroom’ (2021). We suggest you listen to this section 15:42 – 33:50.

    More details have been sent via email :)


    Friday 9th September Väre R107


    Session led by Max Rynäänen

    The talk builds a new understanding of the body and its relationship to film, images and technology, using a framework where novel writings of pragmatist somaesthetics and phenomenology meet new research on bodily reactions.

    12:15 -15:00 Väre R107

    Lunch all together with other ViCCAns from previous years. We will bring some lunch for you all, please let me know if you have any requirements otherwise the food will be a selection of vegetarian and vegan stuff.