
  • Allmänt

    Please note!

    The course consists of common lectures on Monday afternoons and hands-on programming teaching and exercises on Thursday and Friday mornings!

    The course has two groups in SISU:

    • Beginner XXM01 - This one is aimed for students who are beginners in programming, taught by Matti Niinimäki
    • Advanced XXM02 - This one is aimed for students who already understand the basic concepts of programming and want to study some more advanced concepts, taught by Markku Reunanen

    Schedule for the joint lectures for all students

    You can find the group specific schedules from the Beginner and Advanced sections. All the joint Monday lectures are in Q101.

    Monday, 05/09/2022
    Introduction, exercise, forming the groups

    Monday, 12/09/2022
    Markku Reunanen: History of programming (slides below)

    Monday, 19/09/2022

    Monday, 26/09/2022
    Matti Niinimäki: Generative art

    Monday, 03/10/2022
    Markku Reunanen: Hard and soft ware (slides below)

    Monday, 10/10/2022
    • Interactive Art Slides URL
    • Generative Art Slides URL