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      Personal essay Inlämningsuppgift

      Personal essay due on Friday, Week 1 - by 8PM 

      (Please use Word format, not pdf)

      Topic: Cultural self-awareness

      The questions below are meant for inspiration. Write a coherent essay (i.e. do not just answer the following questions haphazardly) that explains your own cultural make-up. Use some of the terms and concepts already seen in the course readings and lectures. 

      In 3 to 4 pages (Arial or Times 12, double-spaced) analyze your cultural behaviors and preferences in the light of the dominant culture in which you grew up. What are the norms and values of your main culture? To what extent did your parents’ behaviors and values influence you? Do you diverge from these norms, and if so to what extent? Are the same attitudes expected of men and women equally, or are they different? 

      What are the attitudes and behaviors that make you comfortable, and conversely uncomfortable in interactions? Give examples.  

      Have you been exposed to cultures other than your dominant culture that have influenced your personal cultural attitudes? Explain.

      Are there values and attitudes in your main culture that you wish were different? Explain.

      Which behaviors do you value in yourself, and which would you like to modify?

      How would you analyze intercultural relations in school?

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      Midterm Inlämningsuppgift
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      Negotiation Report & Reflection Inlämningsuppgift

      Negotiation Reflection Assignment 2022

      After the negotiations, please write a short analysis (1 ½ to 3 pages; double-spaced) of your negotiations, including what you learned about yourself as a negotiator; analyze the dynamics of both individual and group negotiations in which you were involved (what types of negotiators did you have in front of you, and how did that affect the negotiation?), and possibly how you saw yourself develop from learning about negotiation styles to the end of the second negotiation.

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      Final paper & presentation Inlämningsuppgift

      See file attached

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      Final Exam Part 1 Fuyao Case Inlämningsuppgift

      American Factory - See questions attached

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      Final group report (submit one only; make sure to indicate all members of the group) Inlämningsuppgift

      The final research project is a group collaboration that will present a narrow but relevant theoretical/practical issue in intercultural management. As a group, you will choose a topic that you find interesting, will research it, and present a brief literature review (about 5 sources) followed by an exposé of the problem. You will finally propose a response and/or lines of inquiry. 


      Topics may include theoretical questions such as the work of particular researchers that we are not examining in class such as the cultural syndromes of Harry Triandis, geo-political conflicts that have cultural components, particular business cases involving cross-border interests, aspects of communication such as comparative advertising, contrasts between two or three countries around a topic such as early childhood education in Finland and in Japan/China…, or the successful or unsuccessful business ventures of specific companies into a culturally different market, issues of diversity. This list serves as example, and is in no way restrictive. Your findings should be as precise as possible (avoid generalities). 


      The final paper should be 6 to 8 pages (more if you deem it necessary) with at least five sources.

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      Final exam Part 2 Inlämningsuppgift