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      After the NEXPO you are expected to refine your concept and return the IoT Product Concept Document. Attached is a template that you will find helpful when crafting it. There is also a new section with examples from previous years. 

      Please, note when observing the documents from the previous years, that in the document template and requirements for it have been different.


      • Coverage: You need to address all the given sections  +2/5
      • Credibility: our arguments need to be well justified  +2/5
      • Clarity: Your document needs to be clear and polished   +1/5

    • Old assignments

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Outline the key design requirements that govern the overall idea. You will need to consider all the aspects of the IoT product: Cloud, App, Networking, and Thing.

      • Cloud - What are the most important functionalities needed? Possible providers AWS, Azure, ?
      • App - What are the essential functionalities, or qualities needed? Native, PWA, or WebApp?
      • Network - What is/are the indented network connectivities? BLE, WiFi, Cellular?
      • Thing - What is the size and shape? How do the electronics fit in?

      Deadline Friday night.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Upload a document / image / file / link that shows your current idea of the design concept.

      Deadline Friday night.