
  • Topics & Speakers
    The week 5 starts the last part of the course. The focus returns from the interface to the role of product manager. The prior weeks have already provided a lot of content that structure the field of PM, but this week's lectures provide perspectives and metrics that are especially focal for PM.

    The week starts with descriptions of PM's role in organizations at different stage of development, followed by a set of tools and metrics that PM's use to lead and monitor the development of a product.

    1. Leading products in startups and scale-ups by Osma Ahvenlampi (CPO, Aivo Health) and Heta Ruikka (VP of Product Management, Sievo)

    2. Product Metrics by Maria Petrova (Head of product, Supermetrics)  Marko Oksanen (CEO, Coventures)


    Key readings on the matter of the week:

    • Perri (Build trap): Ch. 15-19
    • Cagan (Inspired): Ch 33-63
    • Also, Cagan's Empowered addresses these aspect in part 9.

    The focus of the course returns to the specific role of product management, and the two remaining assignment reflect this as well as the ending of the course. The 5th assignment takes stock of the course so far. The objective of the task is to form an organising frame for the field of product management. The resulting frame should serve both as a map the topics covered during the course and as a map the product management more generally.
    • Tuesday: Routines of PM in startups and scaleups
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      PM Routines in a scaleup Fil PDF
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      PM Routines in a startup Fil PDF
    • Friday: Processes and Metrics in Product Management
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      Product Narrative Fil PDF
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Product metrics Fil PDF