Topic outline

  • Topics & Speakers

    The week 3 moves the focus of the discussion to the last remaining interface of product management, engineering (also often referred to as development). The week proceeds from the basics of organising development in a single-product setting, to prioritising development in more complex settings:
    1. Organizing Product Development by Otto Hilska (Founder & CEO, Swarmia)
    2. Prioritizing Development by Timo Tervola (Business & Operations Lead, Supercell)


    Similarly to week 2, the two books - Perri's and Cagan's - are shorter on content that has to do with engineering. As we have seen by now, the roles that PMs take, greatly vary according to the context, and the books focus on a quite business (and team leadership) oriented approach to PM role.

    The little that is covered can be found from 

    • Cagan (Inspired): Ch 28-32
    • Also, Cagan's "Empowered" addresses these aspect in part 5.

    A widely recommended book on development (not the easiest read, though):

    • Reinertsen, D. "The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development", 2009, Celeritas Publishing

    Reading suggestions from the lectures

    (will be updated to include reading tips from the lectures)

    In the third assignment, you will continue with the feature you proposed in assignment 2, and define the first slice(s) that development should address. 

    • Tuesday: Organizing Product Development
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      Organizing Product Development File PDF
    • Friday: Prioritizing Development
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
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      Product development & PM File PDF