Topic outline

    • M1: Module Instructions

      This module gives you an overall view to how digitalization is transforming business, what are the key enablers underpinning this development, what kind of business trends characterize the changes taking place, and briefly discusses a few select technology trends driving digitalization.

      M1: Learning materials

      The module learning materials consist of the pre-readings, four videos (and the accompanying slides). You should read the pre-readings before embarking to watch the videos.

      M1: Assignments

      The assignments in this module include four quizzes and two workshops. 

      To pass this module you have to complete each of the four quizzes, do the workshops 1 & 2, and do peer-reviews for workshop 2.

      The deadlines are:

      • Workshop 1: Sun 30.10. 23:00
      • Quizzes 1-4: Tue 8.11. 23:00
      • Workshop 2 submission: Tue 8.11. 23:00
      • Workshop 2 peer-reviews: Tue 15.11. 23:00 

      There are four short quizzes in this module, one for each video. 

        • You should watch the video before attempting the related quiz.
        • There is no time limit when doing the quiz - so you can also re-watch the video when doing the quiz if you like.
        • You have two (2) attempts for each quiz. 
        • The four quizzes, the videos and the accompanying slides are listed below.

      There are two workshop assignments in this module.
        • Workshop 1 is for us to collect a bit of background information about the students.
        • Workshop 2 is a peer-reviewed exercise. You will analyse the role of digitalisation in the fall of Thomas Cook.
          • You will peer-review three submissions from your peers. Do remember that peer-reviews for workshops 2, 3 and 4 cover 20% of your grade.
        • The workshops 1 and 2 are listed below.

      M1: Suggested 'timeline' for your study activities

      Below is a suggested 'timeline' for your study activities in Module 1. This flow of activities provides the 'design idea' from a pedagogical perspective.

      Do check the estimated time needed for studying from the course syllabus early on and plan your schedule accordingly. The time window for doing the assignments may seem long but there are many of them.

      Do note peer-reviews have much shorter time between them becoming available and their DLs compared to the assignments.

      Plan accordingly!

      The quizzes evaluate generic level 'know the basic concepts' learning that is then applied in more depth in the workshop assignment.

      Peer-review then gives you an opportunity to both recap the learning contents and even learn more as you see how other students have interpreted and used the concepts in the assignment. You could identify gaps in your own learning as well.

      Suggested timeline for Module 1:

      1. Do the pre-course Workshop 1.
      2. Read all the instructions and guidelines to form 'a big picture' of the module contents and requirements. Plan your study schedule.
      3. Read the pre-reading articles.
      4. Then for each of the Quizzes 1-4:
        1. Watch the video, at least once.
        2. Do the Quiz (remember, no time limit in the quiz and you have two attempts).
        3. Repeat for the next quiz.
      5. Then for Workshop 2
        1. Read the instructions carefully. Think what is required and how you can explicitly demonstrate in your submission that you have met the requirements.
        2. Read the provided case materials. Look for supplemental case material.
        3. Begin working on your submission. Preferably, prepare drafts, bulleted lists etc. of the relevant issues before you begin writing.
        4. Once you have a 'ready' submission, analyse it and iterate if necessary: Does it clearly and explicitly address the assignment requirements? Would it be easy to evaluate that it does?
        5. Submit the workshop before the DL.
        6. Once peer-reviews open check that you can find the instructions and the submissions assigned to you in MyCourses (especially if you are unfamiliar with peer-reviews done in MyCourses). Ask for help in Discussion forum if not.
        7. Do the peer-reviews. Use this as an opportunity to learn, both from evaluation guidelines and your fellow students. 

    • Module 1 Pre-readings:

      Read the pre-reading listed below carefully. The content contained in both pre-reading materials and videos will be tested in the quiz. 

      • Demirkan-et-al-2016. "Digital innovation and strategic transformation." IT Professional 18, no. 6: 14-18
      • Reddy-et-al-2017. "Digital transformation and value creation: Sea change ahead." GfK Marketing Intelligence Review 9, no. 1: 10-17.

      Further reading (= voluntary - for the interested student wanting to go a bit deeper): 

      • Vial-2019. "Understanding digital transformation: A review and a research agenda." The Journal of Strategic Information Systems  28, no. 4: 118-144.

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      Unhappy with peer-assessment of Workshop 2? Submit your self-evaluation here (DL 28.11.) Assignment