
  • Remember: weekly assignment (WA) deadlines are on Sundays and group work assignment (GW) deadlines are on Thursdays. Deadlines are always at 23:55 (11:55PM) in the evening.

    Time needed to solve the assignments

    The weekly assignments typically take more than the 4 hours to solve. Therefore you should not think you can solve the assignment during the exercise session times, especially if you have problems with the assignment and need assistance.

    The amount of time required to solve an exercise can vary considerably. Average student might need:

    WA-1  3-5h
    WA-2 5-8h
    WA-3 6-8h
    WA-4 4-6h
    WA-5 4-6h

    However, the amount of time used for an exercise might be more than twice the minimum time reported in here. Plan accordingly.

    • Weekly Assignments (WA)

      The assignment schedule or structure may change until the start of the course (January 11th).
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Measure coordinates of given locations in Otaniemi, and report these coordinates and their difference from reference locations.

      Remember: you need to submit a report, and the gpx/kml file containing your measurements.

      QGIS will be used for this assignment.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      In this assignment you will do spatial analysis, using freely available on-line data sources. Some of the material has already been preprocessed for you and is available at MyCourses. The rest you need to fetch yourself.

      QGIS will be used for this assignment.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      In this exercise you will use freely available data to do spatial analysis.

      Note: the results of this assignment will be used in the group work assignment GW-2.
    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      3DF Zephyr Free will be used for this assignment.

      Take sufficient photographs of an object to be able to create a 3d model of it using the photos.

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon
      QGIS will be used for this assignment.

      In this assignment you'll analyze the given satellite image material as well as familiarize yourself with the use of satellite imagery in general.

    • Group Work Assignments (GW)

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Laser scanning study group (+ special instruction if you take English module LC-1117)

      Laserkeilauksen lukupiiri

    • Inlämningsuppgift icon

      Design a map based on your results from weekly assignments, and compare maps designed by the different group members.

      Includes additional instructions for the LC-1117 course.