MUO-E0023 - Thesis Plan Orientation, Essay, 5.9.2022-31.7.2023
This course space end date is set to 31.07.2023 Search Courses: MUO-E0023
Topic outline
After doing the pre-assignments (Step 1) and assignments (Step 2), do this quiz about the assignments. There are 7 questions that require essay-style writing. Notice that the quiz can be attemped only one time so be well prepared! There is 2 hours time limit to complete the quiz.
Each response is evaluated with 0-3 points. If the student fails (0 points) one or more questions, or gets several "revise" (1 point), they are asked to submit the assignments or otherwise show improved competence in the thesis matters.
20.6.23: Upon requests, deadline (=quiz closes) has been postponed to July 31.