Topic outline

  • Each homework consists of 4 problems on the topic. Please hand in your solutions (in jpeg or pdf format) through the return box appearing on this page; the deadline is every week on Friday at 14:15. 

    During the exercise sessions, 4 problem solutions will be presented by 2 students; 7-10 min per solution presentation. Solution presentations are checked before each session with the assistant, Sagar Sehrawat, on Tuesdays at 14:15 and 15:15. Presentations are peer-evaluated by the students and filled forms are to be returned through email to after each exercise session.

    If you'd like some help or have any questions, contact the course assistant:

    Guidelines for making exercise session presentations

    The solution presentation must be started with a clear explanation of the problem. Then the main idea of the solution must be explained. In the next step, the solution is written on the board in detail (if some mathematical details are not important or too simple, they may be omitted). The presentation should end with a short conclusion.