
  • Grading
    The grade will be based on your presentation (30%), your service as the opponent (20%) and your participation in the discussions in slack (50%).
    • Seminar attendance without participation in discussions will not affect your grade, so please make sure you contribute to the discussions. We are not going to track seminar attendance.
    • Full points for participation can be obtained by contributing to the discussion of 50% (12) of the papers.
    • If you contribute to the discussion of more than 50% of the papers, you will get extra credit points (up to 6 credits in total).

    Presentation guidelines
    Please read these instructions carefully because the quality of your presentation will affect your grade.
    • The duration of your presentation should be maximum 15 minutes. We will stop presentations after 15 minutes.
    • Try to explain the main idea of the paper instead of copy-pasting paragraphs from the paper page by page. You do not have to use all 15 minutes.
    • Try to give a critical view on the paper: what is the significance of the paper's contributions.
    • Spend minimum time on well-known concepts (such as, for example, GAN or transformer) or concepts that have been discussed earlier in the course. If you are not sure whether a specific topic should be covered in your presentation, you can consult the teachers in the course chat.
    • Do not overload your slides with text. It is better to present figures/illustrations.
    • Please be selective in presenting experimental results. You do not have to present all of them but the most important ones.

    Guidelines for the opponents
    Based on our previous experience, many opponent talks were spending the bulk of the time just summarizing the papers, with very little time spent reviewing and critically engaging with the content. Opponents for the upcoming seminars, please do not include a paper summary in your speech and put more effort in critically reviewing the paper, looking at pros and cons, and overall relevance of the contributions. It may be difficult to cover everything in 5 minutes, so please try to concentrate on what you think are the crucial points. For example, you can focus on the few key contributions you found most important and why they work / don't work and how they compare to other similar work. 

    Course slack
    • Each paper discussed in the course will have its own channel in slack.
    • Please post your questions/comments in the corresponding channel before the start of the corresponding seminar session. Of course, we can continue the discussion after seminar sessions as well.
    • Please try to give a critical view on the discussed paper instead of writing a brief summary of it.