LC-9010 - Chinese 1, Online teaching, 12.9.2022-4.12.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 04.12.2022 Etsi kursseja: LC-9010
Osion kuvaus
Learning outcomes:
- Get to know some Chinese phrases and vocabulary
- Get to know basic grammar and sentence patterns
Please go through all the material on this page, learn all the vocabulary and phrases, complete all the activities, and submit all the homework by the end of the week 16.10. 23:59.
HOMEWORK 1 Learning diary Tehtävä
Useful everyday phrases. Please listen/repeat and learn the new phrases. Tiedosto MP3
HOMEWORK 2 Useful everyday phrases Tehtävä
Text I (listen, repeat and learn the vocabulary and phrases) Tiedosto M4A
Text 1 (faster version) Tiedosto M4A
HOMEWORK 3 Record text 1 Tehtävä
Activity 1 : How do you react? (choose the right answers) H5P
Activity 2: Word quiz H5P
Activity 3: Test yourself with the flashcards Verkko-osoite
Text 2 (listen, repeat and learn the vocabulary and phrases) Tiedosto M4A
HOMEWORK 4 Translation Tehtävä
HOMEWORK 5 Text 2 Tehtävä
Activity 4 (choose the correct answer) H5P
Grammar for lesson 3 Sivu
Adverb "hen3 很" Tiedosto PNG
Activity 5: Please translate the sentences H5P
Activity 6 Exercise about hen3 很 H5P
Activity 7 Personal pronouns H5P
Business culture: meeting new people Sivu
Activity 8: Watch the video and answer a few questions H5P
Watch the video below and answer the questions.
- Get to know some Chinese phrases and vocabulary