LC-9031 - Chinese Characters 3, Essay, 15.9.2022-18.12.2022
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Topic outline
Writing characters 3 Assignment
Write the following characters by hand 10 times and add their pinyin and meaning.
馆 位 饿 死 辣 面 肉 素 菜 服 务 员 汤 碗 米 瓶 真 单 成 功 干 杯 刀 叉 筷 绿 种 但 第 棒
Writing characters 4 Assignment
Write the following characters by hand 10 times and mark the radicals that you recognize
CHapter 8 Crossword puzzle AssignmentFind two-character (or longer) words from the crossword. You can circle the words on your computer and upload the end result.
Writing from pinyin AssignmentWrite the characters corresponding to the pinyin by hand.
Radicals chapter 8 AssignmentWrite three characters with the following radicals by hand.Left side meanings: crass, water, fireRight side meanings: human, bamboo, food
Assignments done on the computer Lesson
Go through and complete these assignments on the computer
Chapter 8 Essay LessonWrite an essay, details inside