
  • Chinese charaters 4

    Course introduction:

    This is a self-study course to support learning to write characters for the course Chinese 4. Students learn approximately 140 new characters and study vocabulary related to the course Chinese 4, so chapters 10-12 in the book Chi le ma.

    Credits: 2 (workload around 60 hours)

    Teacher: Saana Virtanen, saana.virtanen@aalto.fi

    Schedule: 15.1.-9.4. 2023

    Starting lecture: Optional, but recommended, on January 18th 17:00-18:30 in Zoom (link at the bottom of this page)

    Final Exam: The exam will be available from 7.4. 8:00 untill 9.4. 17:00, you can choose the most suitable time for yourself. You have 2h to complete the exam.

    Grading: Assignments 50% + exam 50%, grade pass/fail

    Study material:

    吃了吗 Chi le ma? (Kiinan peruskurssi / a course in basic Chinese), chapters 10-12

    The teacher will upload the material for the assignments. However, please note that detailed grammar explanations, as well as vocabulary, can be found in the course book Chi le ma. If you are not taking the Chinese 4 course at the same time, be sure to revise grammar and sentence structures on your own, since you are required to write full sentences for this course.