
  • This chapter covers characters from chapter 12 in Chi le ma. Complete the assignments in this section by 6.4. 23:59

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Character writing chapter 12 Inlämningsuppgift

      Write each of the following characters by hand 10 times and add their meanings. (Both the ones typed here and in the picture)

      附 铁 站 离  路  走  直  往  拐  旁  边  银  车  远  灯  汽  房  层  楼  厨  厅  厕  又  卧  室  浴  阳  台  方  乐 

      chinese characters

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      Radicals chapter 12 Inlämningsuppgift
      I. Write three characters each with the following radicals.
      radicals table
      on the left: water, enclosure, roof
      on the right: walking, metal/gold, silk

      II. Write the radicals and their meanings for each of these characters:
      绿  浴  室  钟  近  汽  图 客  远  银  围
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Crossword puzzle chapter 12 Inlämningsuppgift
      Find words or phrases containing two or more characters from the crossword puzzle.

      crossword puzzle
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      Translation chapter 12 Inlämningsuppgift
      I. Translate the following sentences into English and Finnish.

      1. 学校前面有一个大商场,里面很热闹。
      2. 市中心离这里近吗?
      3. Maija 家附近有一家中国超市,她爸爸常常在那儿买菜。
      4. 月月知道怎么去Fredrik的家吗?
      5. 高峰家很大,有三个卧室和两个客厅。
      6. 月月在蛋糕上写了: "生日快乐!健健康康!"

      II. Translate the following dialogue into Chinese. Type the characters by computer.
      A: Is there a bus stop near here?
      B: Yes, quite close.
      A: How do I go there?
      B: Walk straight two hundred metres, when you come to the intersection, turn left.
      A: Thank you: Isn't there a bank opposite it?
      B: Yes. The bus stop is between a school and a restaurant.
      A: Alright. Thanks!
      B: You're welcome.
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Pinyin to character chapter 12 Inlämningsuppgift
      Write the following sentences with characters by hand.

      1. Zài zòu èrshí mǐ, jiù shì dìtiězhàn.
      2. Nǐ yǒu dìtú ma?
      3. Zhèlǐ hǎo zhǎo ma?
      4. Chūqù yǐhòu, guò mǎlù.
      5. Xiānshēng, wǔ lǔ gōngjiāochē zài nǎr zuò?
      6. Wǒmen jiā shì liǎng céng lóu.
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Essay Chapter 12 Inlämningsuppgift
      Write an essay of 10 sentences by hand. Start with " 这个房子好大。"

      You can use words like: 厨房  客厅  楼上  楼下  厕所  明亮  书房  交通  环境 
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Computer assignments chapter 12 Lektion

      Complete these assignments on the computer.