JOIN.trai - Practical Training, Lectures, 1.8.2022-31.7.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 31.07.2023 Etsi kursseja: JOIN.trai
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Practical training (Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology)
Here you can find the instructions of practical training for Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology. You can get 1-10 ECTS from work experience which relates to your field of study and the credits will be included in your elective studies. The practical training is registered with the course code JOIN.trai.
The purpose of getting work experience is to develop and deepen the knowledge and skills gained during studies and create connections to working life.
Practical training is not mandatory but very much recommended. You are responsible for acquiring an internship or a job yourself. Career Services maintains JobTeaser platform, which contains information e.g. on jobs and internships. Further information about other training programmes and internship grants can be found on Internship in Finland and International internships websites.
Please note: It is possible to include maximum 10 ECTS credits connected to practical training in the degree (10 ECTS credits of practical training completed with this course code or 10 ECTS credits of practical training completed with a combination of this course code and other practical training course codes).
Submitting the application:
Please submit your application with the appendices in the folder below as one pdf document by following the instructions below.
How are the credits counted?
- Two weeks of working full-time equals one ECTS.
- Part-time job: one ECTS equals 80 hours of work.
- Half credits are not granted.
What documents are needed?
To get credits from your work experience, fill in the form and submit all the required documents to the folder below. The credits will be registered within one month from receiving the application.
- Practical training application (pdf)
- Report on your work experience
- A certificate from your employer. The certificate must state the duration of the employment period, if it was a part- or full-time position, and a list of your duties. In the case of a part-time job, the weekly hours must be specified.
Report on your work experience
The purpose of the report is to tie your work experience into your studies. The report can be free-form, but it needs to reflect on the following:
- What skills did your duties require?
- How did you benefit from the knowledge and skills gained during your studies?
- What new skills did you acquire?
- What development areas you now find in your skills based on your work experience (e.g. skills related to the substance of your field, communication skills, language skills)?
- How are you planning to develop these areas during your studies?
- How was the work experience relevant to your plans for the future (which direction you want to develop professionally, what do you want to achieve in your career, what kinds of matters and duties you find interesting)?
- What ideas for development do you have concerning your work duties in light of the things you have studied so far?
The report can be 1-2 pages (A4). Feedback on the report is utilized also in the degree programme’s feedback process.Notice
- The work experience must relate to your field of study and it must be completed after being accepted to the programme.
- As a rule, duties performed in the student’s home university, or while holding a position of trust, or student’s own projects are not accepted as practical training.
- It is not possible to combine separate periods of employment: they are all handled separately.
- Each new employment period requires a separate application.
- The same work experience can’t be used twice to gain credits both for practical training and bachelor’s thesis.
- The practical training of Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology is approved by the responsible professor of your major.
I would like the credits to be registered for the spring semester, what should I do?
You can apply for the practical training credits in two parts. Ask your employer for a temporary certificate that states the working hours/weeks completed by 31 July. Date the application and the report on your work experience for 31 July, and submit the application with the appendices at the latest on 15 August. The application will be processed in August and the credits will be registered for the spring semester.
I would need to apply for credits for my practical training in two parts. I already have the first part of the practical training completed and registered, now I would need to have the second part registered, what to do?
If you already have the first part of your practical training completed and the credits have been registered and you would now need to have the second part processed, please contact us for further instructions.
Please contact: Hirvonen
Paavo Nisula
Note that you need to enrol for the course in Sisu before you can submit your application. Submit your application preferably as one pdf-file.