
  • Allmänt

    Welcome to the course Health System Design.

    Teaching will be taking place across two days:

    Monday 12.12. from 9:15: to 15:00 and Tuesday 13.12 from 9:15 to 15:00.

    The course is composed of four parts:

    1) Pre-assignment essay of 1000 words with the topic "A health system desgined by me". Where you can reflect on what you feel a health should should look like. (Deadline on Sunday 11.12, 23:59 o'clock). Use literature when appropriate.

    2) 2 days of group work, which means playing a simulation board game "Health Resource Allocation Game", during which you will get to design your own health system (Game is played on 12.-13.12.)

    3) A group report describing the health system you designed during the game, what were it's strengths and weaknesses, how you would improve it in the future and what you learned as a group. (Deadline 31.12., 23:59 o'clock)

    4) A short, 500 word reflective essay on how the final health system you ended up desiging in a group was different from the one you imagined in your first essay and what thoughts you have on it. (Deadline 31.12., 23:59 o'clock)