
  • AXM-E0201 Study Project (ViCCA)

    As you can see, the study project module appears in both major alternative studies as a 3-9cr course and in MA elective studies as a 1-15cr course. They have the same course code, which means you can only have it once as either major alternative or MA elective in your study plan. 

    In both cases, multiple projects can be realised within the course (major alternative or MA elective) you decide to include into your study plan. This means that, for instance, if you chose to include AXM-0201 to your MA electives, you can complete several projects that combined are a maximum 15cr. The same goes for the major alternative but only up to 9cr. 

    1 credit equals 27h workload. 

    The credits can only be assigned once during your degree; so, in the case you want to include multiple projects, discuss this with your PSP/HOPS advisor if you are 1st year, or with your Thesis Supervisor if you are 2nd, 3rd or 4th year. You can both keep a draft of which projects (and workload) you will be assigned creditd for within this specific course.

    Alternative Study Project: Can only be assigned as a 3 to 9 cr course. 

    This can be a personal project, or a group project coordinated by a faculty member. In case the latter opportunity arises, you will be notified by email, and we will also update this page. 
    If a personal project, this can be any project which scope fits within your degree learning outcomes (I.e. artwork production, exhibition or event curation, reading group organisation, publication, etc.)

    MA Elective Study Project: Can be assigned as a 1 to 15 cr course. 

    This can be any project whose scope fits within your degree learning outcomes (I.e. artwork production, exhibition or event curation, reading group organisation, publication, etc.). The project and number of credits should be discussed with your PSP/HOPS advisor if you are a first-year student; and with your Thesis Supervisor is you are a second-year student or ‘older’.