
  • Teaching practice (5 cr)


    The goal of the teaching practice is to develop participants' teaching skills. In the course you have an opportunity to try new approaches or teaching methods under guidance and receive feedback on your teaching. You will observe your peers' teaching and learn from them. When you reflect on your and your peers' teaching you develop your teaching competence and yourself as a teacher.

    The course begins with a kick-off meeting on the 10th January 2023, 9.00 - 12:00.
    Place: Top Lounge, Otakaari 1

    The schedule of the group meetings will be agreed in the kick-off meeting.

    The course comprises the following elements:

    • Kick-off session (Tuesday 10.1.2023)
    • Group meetings: feedback for teaching observations and discussions (official observers give verbal and written feedback)
    • Teaching observations: observing your peers' teaching and providing oral and written feedback on their teaching,
    • Teaching observations: observing other teaching including teaching in upper secondary level (lukio) or university of applied sciences (AMK),
    • Own teaching: practical implementation of the teaching practice,
    • Compiling teaching practice plan including own teaching philosophy, course design, peer feedback, and reflection of observations.
    • Final session Thursday May 4th 2023 12.15 -14.15

    DL for the final version of teaching practice report 19.5.2023

    Jukka, Heidy and Linda

    Contact information:

    • Jukka Välimäki, teacher-in-charge (jukka.valimaki@aalto.fi)
    • Heidy Tiits-Tikkanen, co-teacher (heidy.tiits-tikkanen@aalto.fi)
    • Linda Mäkinen, co-teacher (linda.e.makinen@aalto.fi) > Please notice the letter "e" in the middle of the e-mail address! :)

      • General news and announcements that you will also receive in your email.
      • Questions about the course or ideas about teaching and learning? Here's the general forum for them.
        Course facilitators follow this forum, but all the course participants are able to reply and comment.
      • Only members of your own small group (and teachers) are able to read and join the discussion here.