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    • Pre-reading Materials for the Lectures
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      Dumoulin, S. O. (2015). Functional MRI of the visual system. In fMRI: From Nuclear Spins to Brain Functions (pp. 429-471). Springer, Boston, MA. 

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      Two chapters from book The New Visual Neurosciences (2014), J S Werner & Leo M Chalupa (eds). Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.: 

      1.  Lindsey, D.T & Brown, A M. "Color appearance, language, and neural coding"
      2.  Brainard, D H & Radonjic, A. "Color constancy"

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      Pre-reading for Lecture 2, part 2 File PDF

      Two chapters from book The New Visual Neurosciences (2014), J S Werner & Leo M Chalupa (eds). Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.: 

      1.  Lindsey, D.T & Brown, A M. "Color appearance, language, and neural coding"
      2.  Brainard, D H & Radonjic, A. "Color constancy"

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      Primary reading for Lecture 3:  

      Kiani, R., Ala-Laurila, P. & Rieke, F. (2020). Seeing With a Few Photons: Bridging Cellular and Circuit Mechanisms With Perception. In B. Fritzsch (Ed): The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd Edition, Elsevier

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      Recommended extra reading for Lecture 3: Krakauer, J. W., et al (2017). Neuroscience needs behavior: correcting a reductionist bias. Neuron, 93(3), 480-490.

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      Bruce, V., Georgeson, M.A. & Green, P.R. (2003): Images, filters and features: The primal scetch. In Visual perception : physiology, psychology, & ecology (4th ed). Hove (NY): Psychology Press.

      Field, D.J., Golden, J.R. & Hayes, A. (2014): Contour integration and the association field. In The new visual neurosciences.  Cambridge (MA): MIT Press.

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      Bruce, V., Georgeson, M.A. & Green, P.R. (2003): Images, filters and features: The primal scetch. In Visual perception : physiology, psychology, & ecology (4th ed). Hove (NY): Psychology Press.

      Field, D.J., Golden, J.R. & Hayes, A. (2014): Contour integration and the association field. In The new visual neurosciences.  Cambridge (MA): MIT Press.

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      Ma, W.J., Husain, M., & Bays, P.M.(2014). Changing concepts of working memory. Nature Neuroscience, 17(3), 347-56.

      Christophel, T.B., Klink, P.C., Spitzer, B., Roelfsema, P.R., & Haynes, J.D. (2017). The Distributed Nature of Working Memory. Trends in Cognitive Science, 21(2), 111-124.

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      Ma, W.J., Husain, M., & Bays, P.M.(2014). Changing concepts of working memory. Nature Neuroscience, 17(3), 347-56.

      Christophel, T.B., Klink, P.C., Spitzer, B., Roelfsema, P.R., & Haynes, J.D. (2017). The Distributed Nature of Working Memory. Trends in Cognitive Science, 21(2), 111-124.

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      Zhao, M., Gersch, T. M., Schnitzer, B. S., Dosher, B. A., & Kowler, E. (2012). Eye movements and attention: The role of pre-saccadic shifts of attention in perception, memory and the control of saccades. Vision research74, 40-60.

    • Lecture Slides
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      Lecture 0: Course introduction File PDF
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      Lecture 1: Introduction to human visual system & brain imaging File PDF
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      Lecture 2: Neural mechanisms of color perception File PDF
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      Lecture 3: From Photons to Behavior: Resolving Neural Codes and Visual Processing at the Sensitivity Limit of Vision File PDF
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      Lecture 4: Spatial vision and perceptual organization File PDF
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      Lecture 5: Precision of working memory representations and decoding of working memory content File PDF
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      Lecture 6: Eye movements and attention File PDF