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      The research profiling task is now integrated into the tutorial videos for thesis writing, and thus a separate assignment deliverable is NOT required anymore. However, you are welcome to include your research profiling findings (also pictures or screenshots from it) in your research plan as supplementary information. The length of the plan can then exceed the 1-2 page requirement.

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      Please submit your 1-2 page research plan here, you may extend the plan with the research profiling findings (see above). The suggested outline of your research plan is:


      1. Motivation (why do you find it important to study the topic, theoretical & managerial motivation)

      2. Topic area and specific research problem(s)/question(s)

      3. Objectives of your research

      4. Examples of important previous research articles on the topic and/or main theory to be used. Use full citation of the example articles (author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume/number, pages)

      5. Methodology (e.g. a literature review, case study, survey,…)

      6. Tentative table of contents

      Possible reference list (for references used in the plan)