Topic outline

  • Now that I received your replies on how you would prefer the materials to be organized, this Materials folder will contain "extra" materials, but those materials pertaining to the particular sessions will be in each session folder. This is one of the limiting factors in MyCourses and if you have found innovative ways of dealing with this, please let the rest of us know about it!

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      Migrants at the university doorstep File PDF

      This somewhat relates to the Wheel of Power/Priviledge we discussed at our fourth session.

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      Testing Hofstede's Framework File PDF
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      An Asiacentric Reflection on Eurocentric Bias in Communication Theory File PDF
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      Questioning the Validity of Cross-cultural Dimensions in the Digital Era File PDF
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      Humor in the Workplace URL
    • Ideas for Online Teaching Session (due May 10): Microlearning Nuggets

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      Webinar on online teaching URL

      This recorded webinar provides you with various ideas on online teaching. I especially am a fan on Aija Elg's way of teaching and creating microlearning nuggets.

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      Another blog on microlearning.

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      Microlearning nuggets can be useful materials for your courses. Here is an example I came up with, something like this takes quite a while to produce, at least for the first time, but now that it's done, I can use it in all my writing courses. If you have some focused items to teach, think about it, this may help you as we have to continue teaching online in the fall.

    • Other useful materials

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      Another interesting article on stereotyping and especially on self-handicapping strategy.

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      Time concept allows you to quickly realize what ethnocentricism feels like. These are different ways of experiencing time, none of them superior or inferior. It is interesting to explore how time can be seen so differently.

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      I love this cartoon, it provides you an insight to how Finns think and behave in general.

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      A basic book on teaching and developing yourself as a teacher.

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      Some reading on motivation

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      Longitudinal Study on motivation towards mathematics File PDF

      Here is the article I promised I would share. Plus some others as well :)