Osion kuvaus

  • The aim of this week is to learn more about how to organize your presentation. You will learn about the basic presentation structure - intro, body and conclusion - and how to structure those sections. For example, you will learn about effective attention getters for introductions (see the pdf Attention grabbers below) and essential moves for the conclusion. You will also find out how to link the main sections and create connections between ideas in your presentation with useful language, often called linkers, signposts and transitions (see the pdf 'Useful language for presenters'). 

    Your main task is then to create an outline for your talk, containing an introduction, the main points in the body section, and a conclusion (use the template attached to the assignment instructions). The  introduction must include an attention-getter, and you will also include the main linkers in this outline. This stage is an often over-looked stage in presentation planning. Yet, when you do it well, you are well on your way towards a successful presentation.

    Week 2 assignments are due by 23.59 on Monday, 14 August.