
  • Check that you have remembered to sign up for one of this week's practice sessions at  Scheduler 1: practice sessions (sign up!)

    The purpose of this week is to start practising your talk since you have mostly put together the basics of the talk: you have the visuals and the outline. In addition, you will focus on the aspects of delivery that you deem useful in view of preparing for the final presentation.

    First, you will attend one practice session with a max. of 4 other students from this course and the instructor and give the practice version of the talk with slides. You'll get feedback on your talk, as well as also see and hear the other students' presentations and give feedback to them, helping everyone create a good final version of their talks.  To make this feedback discussion useful and fun, please familiarize yourself with some golden rules for Giving constructive feedback. 

    After the practice session, you will complete this week's other assignments. Those of you who attend the rehearsal session on campus will get a link to their practice presentation video after the session and those of you who attend the rehearsal online will be expected to self-record their own talk using Zoom. After the rehearsal, you will watch and analyse your own presentation, and complete Assignment 9 by filling in the Self-evaluation form.
    NB! A9 must be submitted within 48h from the rehearsal session.

    How to prepare for the practice session:

    • Please practise at least once at home with your slides and time yourself to ensure your presentation falls within the time limits (8-10 minutes). Join the session prepared to present the whole talk, with your visuals as ready as possible.

    • Sign up beforehand at  Scheduler 1: practice sessions (sign up!)!      

    For the students participating in the online rehearsal:

    • Make sure that you have the equipment you need (a laptop & webcam) for attending the Zoom meeting & presenting your talk (you will use the share screen-function in Zoom when it is your turn to present). We should be able to see both your slideshow and your face on Zoom.
    • The link to the Zoom session is available in the scheduler on the course front page.

    • Forum icon
      Rehearsal presentation: forum for peer feedback

      This is a forum where you will post your peer feedback after the practice session. If you are attending the rehearsal on campus, you can choose to use a paper copy of the feedback form in which case you do not have to post anything here.

      You have been divided into small groups according to the time slot that you have booked for the rehearsal session. You will only be able to see the posts of your own small group.

      In addition to our live discussion after each rehearsal talk, please share your (more detailed) feedback via this forum, for easy access. Use the "add a new discussion"-button and attach the filled-in feedback sheet. Or, as a "reply" to an existing post: click on "advanced" at the bottom right corner, and then you can drag & drop your file. Or you can copy & paste your answers to all the feedback areas directly in your reply as in-text.

      Important: If this forum does not work in the intended way, then please inform Jenni immediately!

      Practice groups:
      Session 1: Aino & Mauri
      Session 2: Vili
      Session 3: Tatiana & Emmi