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      In addition to submitting A3, also bring this assignment to class. Be prepared to share your paragraph with your course mates.


                                          WRITE A PROBLEM-SOLUTION PARAGRAPH

      This paragraph will become the introduction paragraph of a recommendation report in which you propose a solution to an evident need or problem that has been identified in the current practices, products or services of your client.

      Pattern of organisation    Problem-solution
      Topic             ONE of the problems/needs and its solution from the pre-course assignment A1.
      Audience      Decision makers, educated but non-expert
      Length          150-200 words

      Use the problem-solution pattern to motivate your recommendation and to orient your reader effectively to its relevance. The client who has commissioned this recommendation can be any potential user of the' solution',  such as decision makers of a municipality, institution, company or an international organisation.

      The problem-solution pattern of organisation

      1. Situation = wider context and relevance
          -   Describe the general importance/relevance of topic briefly
          -   State the current context
               Name the 'client'. Who is this addressed to? What do they do? What are  their current practices?
      2. Problem = weakness/problem in or a need arising from the 'situation', your client’s current practices.
          -   What is currently lacking/needed/unsatisfactory?
      3. Solution
          -   Name the proposed solution (a technology, method, application, approach...)  that will overcome or alleviate the problem.
      4. Evaluatio
          -   Briefly state the main advantage of this solution to justify the recommendation.

      End the paragraph by stating the purpose of the report.

      At the end of your text, include a list of references to sources you have used to find the information. Remember also the corresponding in-text citations! Follow the conventions of your field.