Osion kuvaus

    • Read your partner's Introduction. Consider the questions below and note down your answers. Post to the forum. 

      Questions to consider

      1.        What is the problem/need?

      2.        What is the proposed solution?

      3.        How would it solve the problem?

      4.        Who will be the client?   (What public/private institution, company or individual entrepreneur might adopt this solution in their practices?)

      5.        Can you identify the 4 moves: situation, problem, solution, evaluation?

      6.        Give one positive comment.

      7.        Give one constructive feedback on what he/she can do better.

    • After you have posted your feedback to the Forum, save the document and submit here. 

      Questions to consider

      1.       What is the topic? After reading the outline, can you summarise the key points in your own words?

      2.       What are the key concepts?

      3.       How are the ideas organized and progressed?

      4.       Can you see any arguments built?

      5.       What are the evidence used?

      6.       Give one positive comment.

      7.       Give one constructive feedback on what can be done better.

    • Do not write full language/complete sentences anywhere else than just in the introduction and the conclusion sections. In the body section, only note down key words and short phrases. The outline is a supportive plan for the content and organisation, NOT a script of the speech.

      See also the example outline attached below.

      CONTENT of the outline:
             -        Planning section
      Introduction, written out in full language, as you would speak it.
             -        Names of main topic areas (as headings)
             -        Possible subtopics (in note form, as key words or phrases only)
      Main transitions where indicated in the outline
      The conclusion section, written out in full language, as you would speak it
             -        List of references to your sources and for further learning (in the appropriate bibliography format)

      The purpose of the outline is to help you plan the content and organisation of the presentation effectively as well as to make it easier for you to detach yourself from the written medium. Planning and practising the presentation based on an outline will help you stay on focus during the speech and speak freely,  in your own words.


      Write the first full draft of the recommendation report. 

      Before submitting your text, check that all the required elements are included and that you have revised your text according to previous feedback as well as the principles of readability and style that you have learned about during this course.

      CONTENT (total length 500-600 words):
      -  Your name
      -  Title 
      -  Introduction paragraph (150-200 words. Problem-solution)
      -  Body paragraph  (250-350 words.  Extended definition of the recommended solution described in terms of 3-4 defining properties)
      -  Conclusion paragraph (50-100 words)
      -  List of references to sources of the presented information (+ corresponding in-text citations)

      Submit to my courses.