
  • General

    The course will start on Wednesday the 10th of January, 12.15 - 13.45, 2024 at the Production Engineering Laboratory (Production Engineering building / K2, Puumiehenkuja 3).

    Lectures are given in the laboratory on Mondays 10.15 - 11.45 and Wednesdays 12.15 - 13.45 during period 3. There are NO lectures on week 6 (5.2. and 7.2.)

    Laboratory exercises take place in five groups (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, starting on week 3, NOT on week 8) and you have to sign up for one in SISU. Register to ONE GROUP ONLY, and if you do not intend to participate, do not register at all! If you change your mind later and decide not to paticipate, remove your registration immediately! Note that the exercises start 8:00 and 12:00, NOT 15 past the hour.
    Laboratory report deadline is 1.3.2024. Submission of pdf-file via email directly to janne.peuraniemi@aalto.fi

    A one day excursion to Engineering Works Trade Fair (Konepajamessut) in Tampere will take place on the 20th of March 2024. Transportation by bus will depart from the laboratory building (K2 / Puumiehenkuja 3) 8:00 and for return home from Tampere 14:00 (back in Otaniemi around 16). This is "voluntary" alternative to writing a lengthy report on sheet metal work and machinery. Entry to the fair is free of charge, but you have to register here: https://www.konepajamessut.fi/en/fair-info/admission/. Please sign-up below by 11.3.2024!

    Exams according to SISU are on 21.2.2024 and on 7.6.2024.

    Grading is based on your report and examination. Maximum points are 15; 5 (range 1-5) for report and (5 x 5) / 2.5 = 10 for examination.

    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller @aalto.fi
      Mapp icon
      Updated results 7.6.2024 Mapp

      These are the results for the course as of 7.6.2024. Note that if you did not attend the Engineering Trade Works Excursion, you have to write an additional report on sheet metal machinery to complete the course.

      Br., Esko

    • Tillgänglig om: Fältet E-postadress innehåller aalto.fi
      Gruppval icon
      Engineering Works Trade Fair excursion attendance Gruppval

      Please register before 11.3. The excursion is primarily only for active students on the course, but we want to allow participation to staff members and others if there is room in the bus!

      Br., Esko & Janne