Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the course !

    The course will start  September 5th.  Please check the prerequisites that are marked in the course description in Syllabus/SISU.

    All lectures and exercise sessions will be arranged in Otaniemi K1/ K202

    05.09.2023   Intro  at 10:15- Grouping, students select their own work group and grouping in MyCourses.

    08.09.2023    Exercise kick off, (compulsory) K2/211 at 10 - 11

    II-period timeschedule

    •24.10.2023      Gear factory case study (SEW Eurodrive)
    •31.10.2023      AGCO presentation via Teams  

    •Excursio, 1st of November at 10:00, SEW in Karkkila. See message under announcements.

    •07.11.2023      3D printing spare parts 10:15-10:45. Excercise checkpoint workgroups 1- 4 at 10:45-11:30
    •14.11.2023      Maintenance( Konecranes)
    •21.11.2023 at 11:00-12:30  Project seminar, course summary

    •Compulsory checkpoint for exercise work 10th of November.
    10th Nov chekpoints for group so that workgroup 1 at 09:00-09:30, workgroup 2 at 09:30-10, workgroup 3 at 10-10:30 and workgroup 4 at 10:30-11 in 211 meeting room K2

    14.11.2023 at 09-10 Y344 support session Siemens Tecnomatics software.

    05.12.2023 Examination K1/K326 at 09-12