Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • Here are basic instructions for the contents of the workspace:

      -  There is a short quiz before lectures (1,2,3,4 and 5, but no quiz before lecture 6)

      - In the material section, there are PowerPoint presentations and background materials for each lecture

      - In the assignment section, solutions are returned for evaluation. The return should happen within one week.

    • The schedule of the lectures.

      Literature, contact teaching lectures  and in-class calculation exercises:

      Contact 1:   Comfortable and Healthy Indoor Climate

      calculation exercise 1

      Contact 2:  Indoor Air Quality

      calculation exercise 2

      Contact 3: Thermal comfort

      calculation exercise 3

      Contact 4: Filtration

      calculation exercise 4

      Contact 5:  Acoustics

       calculation exercise 5

      Contact 6  General indoor air pollutants 

      Assignment/group work

       assignment of literature review